marek novotný poetic quintet
Marek Novotný Q
nabízí ve svém repertoáru výhradně autorské skladby osobitého pianisty Marka Novotného, držitele master´s degree v oboru jazzové kompozice na University of Massachusetts – USA. Poetické melodie se k posluchači dostávají skrze originální instrumentaci čítající kromě klavíru violoncello, trumpetu, flétnu a bicí/perkusivní sestavu. Jednotlivé skladby jsou melodicky svěží a invenční, široce prokomponované, inspirované impresionismem, ovšem kořeněné smyslem pro hudební vtip. Mezi členy kvintetu můžeme ocenit například člena České filharmonie Jana Kellera hrajícího na violoncello, či trumpetistku a skladatelku Štěpánku Balcarovou, držitelku žánrového ocenění Anděl za nejlepší jazzovou desku roku 2013.
marek novotný
Skladatel, pianista a aranžér
In 2010, Marek finished his masters in jazz composition at the University of Massachusetts Amherst – USA, where he received a full scholarship under the tutelage of Grammy award winner Jeffrey Homes. In 2007 he received the Norwegian Government’s scholarship for jazz piano studies at the University of Stavanger – Norway. Also in 2007, he finished his PhD in music theory at the University of J.E. Purkyne Usti nad Labem – Cze. From 2002-2010 was in position of assistant professor at the department of music University of J.E.Purkyne (CZE) running university orchestra writing all compositions and arrangements.
During the last 10 years Marek was a member of many music projects and ensembles such as Feng – Yün Song, (along with the Trio PUO he toured China and competed at the music festival in Chang – Sha/CHINA and received the main prize). He cooperated also with such musicians as Marcel Bárta, David Dorůžka, Ridina Ahmedová, Gabriela Vermelho, Tomáš Hobzek, Petr Tichý, Luboš Soukup, Petr Dvorský, Tomáš Herian, Martin Novák, and Martin Zbrožek. (In USA): Aubrey Johnson, Carl Clemens, Paul Lieberman, and Bob Weiner. After graduation at UMASS (USA) he worked with American film composer Alexander Janko (My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Man on the Moon). During his days in New York he studied with one of the greatest living piano players, Fred Hersch. Marek toured Germany, Norway, Denmark, Great Britain, USA and China with his various projects. Marek’s compositions could be placed somewhere between worlds of jazz and classical music. Czech and World folklore music is also another source of inspiration for him. Marek wrote many compositions for all varieties of music ensembles. Not only for jazz combos, but also for big band, vocal ensemble, saxophone quintet, studio orchestra, and string quartet. He graduated with his “Summer Suite” consisting of five movements for reduced symphonic orchestra. After coming home to the Czech Republic, he immediately connected with the Prague jazz scene and established his jazz quintet including one of the best and unique musicians found in Czech.
The quintet performs only Marek’s original compositions. Leading figure of the band are young international stars David Doruzka on guitar and Marcel Bárta on saxophone, clarinet and bass clarinet. Petr Tichý (double bass) and Tomáš Hobzek (drums) together form the amazing rhythm section.
štěpánka balcarová
(Štěpánka) is a Czech trumpeter and composer who graduated from the Music Academy in Katowice, Poland. She attended the class of the prominent Polish trumpeter Piotr Wojtasik. Afterwards, she studied composition and jazz arranging with Ed Partyka at the Music Academy in Graz, Austria. Besides Inner Spaces, Štěpánka leads her own big band Concept Art Orchestra and her own quartet 4STEP. She also plays in an avant-garde international music project Chord Nation of Nikola Kolodziejczyk and collaborates with prominent Czech jazz players such as Karel Růžička, David Dorůžka and Petr Kořínek. In March 2010, she received a special award for artistic vision at the Jazz Nad Odra 2010 and in November 2011, first prize for best jazz composition at Krzysztof Komeda Composer´s Competiton. In the year 2013 was Stepanka and her band Inner Spacec awarded by “ANGEL PRICE” for the best recording of the year in Czech Republic.
jan keller
Jan Keller (*1975) studied in Prague with Jaroslav Kulhan and Josef Chuchro. He took masterclasses with Miloš Mlejnik and Raphael Walfish. In 19982010 he was member of Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra and since January 2011 he is member of Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. Jan Keller is interested in classical chamber music (Trio 75 ́, Janáček Trio, Trio con Brio…) and in jazz music (Jana Koubková Quartet, Noční Optika, Transitus Irregularis, Czech Philharmonic Jazz Band ). He is teaching at Jaroslav Ježek Conservatory in Prague since 2006.
robert fischmann
flute & alto flute
Narozen v Praze r. 1977. Vystudoval obor příčná flétna na Pražské konzervatoři pod vedením prof. Františka Malotína. Během následného studia na FFUK se začíná věnovat neklasickým žánrům a improvizaci. Prošel soubory tak rozdílnými jako jsou Linha Singers či Irish Dew. V současné době působí ve skupinách Neřež a Bran a vede vlastní seskupení Links zaměřující se na volnou improvizaci a specificky středoevropské hudební dědictví. Pravidelně hostuje např. s Concept Art Orchestrem či v sextetu světoznámého varhaníka Briana Charretta. Jako studiový hráč se podílel na celé řadě projektů v oblasti popu, jazzu, folku i vážné hudby, kde nachází uplatnění jeho dlouholetý zájem o etnické flétny. V poslední době se věnuje též tvorbě hudby pro film a televizi, např. (spolu se Z. Vřešťálem) pro seriál Vinaři.
vladimír třebícký
Vladimir Trebicky (1980), percussionist graduated from Jancek conservatoire Ostrava, Janacek Academy of Performing Arts Brno and ArtEz Conservatorium Enschede (NL). He is a sought-after artist and teacher at conservatoire Brno. He takes part as lecturer at workshops both in CZ and Europe. He focuses on various genres and styles from ancient music, contemporary artificial and popular music, jazz, chansons, alternative jazz and also is hired by some front singer-songwriters. Vladimir’s focus and main interest dwells in fusion and genre crossovers, open forms and searching for unexpected and untraditional sound using different techniques. Relevant projects: Next Phase (free jazz), BIU (incidental music), DunamiEnsemble (contemporary music), Amálka Třebická (chanson)…